Tuesday, 4 September 2012

2nd Anniversary of Hastings Pier Fire

For my money, the most informative and interesting Google Search about Hastings Pier Fire and it's aftermath is: What I did that led to Hastings Pier Fire. Not only is this blog -and it's videos well-represented- but you also get a David Icke Forum on the topic

Tony May here recommends that you come to the events on 5th October 2012 at the Southwater Area Community Centre:

Booking for all these events is by phoning/texting me (Paul Crosland) on Zero7807066202 and receiving a confirmation text message or on a 'click here and fill in the form at the bottom of the page' basis.

The programme is as follows

Friday 5th October
10am-5pm -HastingsTube Workshop1
Lunch provided; £10 deposit to secure
Fuller programme here
(A draft proposal for HastingsTube Playlists here)  
7pm for 7.30pm "The Hastings Pier Fire Investigation So Far"
(Films recapping the meeting with Sussex Police and local residents last year will be shown from 7.10pm-7.30pm and correspondence with the Ministry of Justice handed out, as well as copies of requests for the HPWRT)
Also covered in the evening will be "What I did that led to Hastings Pier Fire"; a plea to examine and refine all of our ethics in interacting with Hastings & St Leonards youth.

Saturday 6th October 11am-5pm HastingsTube Workshop2
(The programme will be approximately as per Friday 5th; particularly for those who struggled to be available on the Friday daytime, or who wanted to go into the matters raised on the Friday 5th workshop again whilst the issues are still fresh)  
Booking for all these events is by phoning/texting me (Paul Crosland) on Zero7807066202 and receiving a confirmation text message or on a 'click here and fill in the form at the bottom of the page' basis.
The intended play has been postponed to the 3rd anniversary -so save Saturday October 5th 2013 in your diary now!

Friday, 11 May 2012

alarmed at how little celebration there is in tweetland of #localtreasure (s)

So here's a few tweets from http://twitter.com/paulcrosland attempting to correct that:

  1. Paul Crosland ‏ @paulcrosland Refinement @stephenfry .I hereby declare Mark Boyle,T'Moneyless Man,a #localtreasure in #Bristol. http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.co.uk/ http://justfortheloveofit.org Expand Reply Delete Favorite 8m 
  2. Paul Crosland ‏ @paulcrosland @stephenfry is often called a #nationaltreasure ,yet no #tweets have people tagged as #localtreasure ;only buildings! http://stleonardsbuildings.blogspot.co.uk Expand Reply Delete Favorite 10m 
  3. Carol Duncan ‏ @carolduncan @paulcrosland Thanks Paul! #localtreasure View conversation Reply Retweet Favorite 12m 
  4. Paul Crosland ‏ @paulcrosland @stephenfry Yr #localtreasure (s)? 1 in Bristol is Mark Boyle; t'Moneyless Man. Here's a playlist (+Lend-It-All Man.) http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL665BE98456855773&feature=plcp Expand Reply Delete Favorite 4h 
  5. Paul Crosland ‏ @paulcrosland Please name a #nationaltreasure & NOT @stephenfry & Alan Bennett? For #Hastings sake, some #localtreasure too! #afhh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtE0MEVYkfg&list=PLFBB1BD70AE45DCD7&feature=plpp_play_all View video Reply Delete Favorite 9 May 
  6. Carol Duncan ‏ @carolduncan Another #localtreasure by @carolduncan - inside one of Australia's last 'picture palaces'! http://bit.ly/JsvHYM

Thursday, 10 May 2012

A playlist explaining the state of play

Here's the clip with Tony May (10th May) giving an update on the play:
Initially I was going to create a short playlist of background stories to the play; but then it just grew and grew! The playlist can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vgug2fO8wj4&list=PLD314479C4D9934B8&feature=plpp_play_all

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Banksy in St Leonards and Jerwood Gallery in Hastings: art, consent and community development;

Comments below please! (Then book your place for the drama on the 2nd Anniversary of the Pier fire that addresses questions such as: 1) The Pier Fire & 2) The Jerwood Gallery; what have we learned about community development from these initiatives? & which has had a greater positive effect on regeneration. Some regeneration makes us poorer as a society -widening the gaps between us, contributing to unhappiness. http://agoodweek.info) What is the ultimate regeneration project that builds inclusivity, keeps the cost of living low in St Leonards, and enables us to be better equipped for the future with the ability to live from our higher values? Is it "The Walking Buddhas of SE England" http://love-statues.blogspot.co.uk ****** And here is the non-exploitation plan:

Sunday, 15 April 2012

More details and pre-Booking form for the 5th October 2012 play: "Walking Buddhas of SE England -What have we learned about Community Developlment?"


For my money, the most informative and interesting Google Search about Hastings Pier Fire and it's aftermath is: What I did that led to Hastings Pier Fire. Not only is this blog -and it's videos well-represented- but you also get a David Icke Forum on the topic

Tony May here recommends that you come to the events on 5th October 2012 at the Southwater Area Community Centre:

Booking for all these events is by phoning/texting me (Paul Crosland) on Zero7807066202 and receiving a confirmation text message or on a 'click here and fill in the form at the bottom of the page' basis.

The programme is as follows

Friday 5th October
10am-5pm -HastingsTube Workshop1
Lunch provided; £10 deposit to secure
Fuller programme here
(A draft proposal for HastingsTube Playlists here)  
7pm for 7.30pm "The Hastings Pier Fire Investigation So Far"
(Films recapping the meeting with Sussex Police and local residents last year will be shown from 7.10pm-7.30pm and correspondence with the Ministry of Justice handed out, as well as copies of requests for the HPWRT)
Also covered in the evening will be "What I did that led to Hastings Pier Fire"; a plea to examine and refine all of our ethics in interacting with Hastings & St Leonards youth.

Saturday 6th October 11am-5pm HastingsTube Workshop2
(The programme will be approximately as per Friday 5th; particularly for those who struggled to be available on the Friday daytime, or who wanted to go into the matters raised on the Friday 5th workshop again whilst the issues are still fresh)  
Booking for all these events is by phoning/texting me (Paul Crosland) on Zero7807066202 and receiving a confirmation text message or on a 'click here and fill in the form at the bottom of the page' basis.
The intended play has been postponed to the 3rd anniversary -so save Saturday October 5th 2013 in your diary now!

The playlist referred to is this one: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL669CB0C39971BB15 ********

THE EARLIER PLAN (April/May 2012) was as follows; this format is now more likely to be applied in a future event at the Stables Theatre -2013/2014?

This play will be reviewing some of the biggest stories in Hastings & St Leonards over the last two years and holding some of the key players to account.
In relation to each of these three major local changes, the same question will be put:

  1. Hastings Pier Fire (5th October 2010); arguably the start/ missed opportunity to start the regeneration of the local community by engaging appropriately with those known to have been on the pier that night. (For background and full reports, exploring a range of mediation approaches etc http://sussexcommunity.blogspot.com)
  2. The Jerwood Gallery -opened March 2012
  3. The St Leonards TownTeam (Community Planning) developments of 2012, with Hastings Borough Council backing and involving Gensing & Central St Leonards (Forum) in particular

The Walking Buddhas of SE England → Love Statues of St Leonards” is play by “Paul Crosland, the famous playwright” (Google it) being performed on the second anniversary of the Hastings Pier Fire (for which two St Leonards residents were arrested but neither were they prosecuted or their names revealed through official channels).

The play being performed first on 5th October 2012 (with additional dates planned) can still be shaped by you and by any films you record for YouTube Channel Toothpaste007, or comments that you make there: (http://www.youtube.com/Toothpaste007 )

The play will include 8 minute live conversations with key individuals about a selection of the following 8 themes, culminating in an interview with Jeremy Birch, Leader of Hastings Borough Council (or his substitute) about the values being upheld in the development/regeneration of our town(s).

Local community (re)generation themes:
1) The ongoing loss of justice in relation to those known to have been on the pier on the night of the fire & the consequences of not resolving this to the satisfaction of the community?
2) What difference the Jerwood Gallery is making, or will -in time- make to Hastings, and whether there is harm to be addressed here too?
3) What "St Leonards Love Statues" could do for "St Leonards" in the way that Anthony Gormley statues eg "The Angel of the North" have done for their local areas?
4) How to stop developments squeezing out much that we value here?
5) How we can best address social exclusion and the roots of social unrest?
6) “Sustainable Local Futures” - in the new world economic order, undertaking the transition to a local economy that is more independent of world shocks?
7) “The amazing wealth of original, talented young people ,numerous local, high profile events and projects” promoted by The Respond Academy, amongst others?
8) "Ethical Outings in Hastings & St Leonards" (in relation to Arson etc) & what role we play across all generations in "character building" and taking responsibility, rather than letting things get worse.

Either we take responsibility for our communities and the things that upset us or things will get worse; there's simply no other choice?

From the above “Local community (re)generation themes” please vote for the 4 themes of greatest concern to you via the left-hand side of http://love-statues.blogspot.com

Relevant websites addressing the above themes (apart from this website) are:


Extrapolating from MPs expense scandals & Bankers Bonuses' scandals

Ethical Outings is expanding as a business. Now it includes:
1) Outing people who make money that doesn't correspond to the work they put in.
2) Outing anyone who breaks the principle of valuing everyone's time equally and by so ignoring this principle creates a less-happy society.
3) Outing assets owned above the average
4) Requesting people to hand over to the community the decision about the market price for sale of houses.

Idealistic, moi?
Mary Poppins has now been adopted as a role model for this website; her qualities are something you may care to discuss by adding a comment?

From http://YouTube.com/BodhisattvaPoppins

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Riots Report - Character Building

The headlines tonight have the leaked report on the riots last summer; the "biggest UK disorder in a generation."

What are we going to do to take responsibilty in Hastings/St Leonards for some of those forgotten -yet crucial- 500,000 families in the UK?
Overview of everything at http://additionalinfo.blogspot.com

Monday, 26 March 2012

Billy Bragg and The Blokes - "NPWA"

"No Power Without Responsibility" is the call for accountability here.
If you hold power or status -& few in the Western World do not:
1) How did you get your power?
2) What do you do with it?
3) How can we share (or take) that power from you (if you use it in a way that is "unjust")?

These questions are all relevant to the concept of ethical outings; opening up the ethical questions around what people are not divulging openly; despite the harm they may be causing...


- http://twitter.com/paulcrosland
- http://stleonardssharing.info
- http://nagaloka-dream-cycle.blogspot.com/
(With overview of everything at http://additionalinfo.blogspot.com)

For better quality connection/ mutual understanding, please phone/text 0780 70 66 202.
I usually prefer calls & will call back

Does anyone think this outing -ie the sharing of a secret recording- unethical?

Cameron's man Cruddas - cash for access to PM scanda:


And how about the 26th March turnaround in initially saying that any release of the names of private guests by the PM was not to happen and, by lunchtime then releasing those details -which was presumably a breach of the implicit agreements that the visitors had that their visits for dinner at 10/11 Downing St were private. I'm left asking "Is there no-one that David Cameron is not ready to out in order to save his political skin?"

Outing can be ethical or otherwise
- you decide.
Thank you for opening this much to the discussion of who holds who accountable for their actions in what way.

I can hardly recommend enough Billy Bragg's song "N.P.W.A." - No Power without responsibility!
******* In this video below I refer again to Peter Cruddas -no one has questioned the ethics of filming him and outing how money buys influence:

Serendipitous encounter with mums grave-digger


Kind regards/ Lots of love (whichever you prefer)
- http://twitter.com/paulcrosland
- http://stleonardssharing.info
- http://nagaloka-dream-cycle.blogspot.com/
(With overview of everything at http://additionalinfo.blogspot.com)

For better quality connection/ mutual understanding, please phone/text 0780 70 66 202.
I usually prefer calls & will call back

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Empire and war is said to lead to an increase in tolerance

& yes, to me, this seems very relevant to the future of St Leonards - and elsewhere.


Add a comment to take this discussion forward for the benefit of all.

The rise of Empire and whether it leads to an increase in tolerance?


Which way captain?

You are the captain of your destiny, so keep steering in an increasingly refined ethical way please.

All we are saying is give this YouTube video a chance:

1) Values:

2)Jo Moon -Stories that heal:

3) Paul Crosland, AGoodWeek begins at St Leonards Warrior Sq- #Hastings Action for Happiness #afhh:

4) The local MP endorses the Action for Happiness work & even Mark buys it!:

5) Poverty in St Leonards, through the eyes of a visitor

6)Introduction to #Hastings for Happiness #afhh @actionhappiness

7)St Leonards Sharing Consortium - some of what we bring together 4 #stleonards:

8) Mark Williamson, Director of Action for Happiness visits #Hastings & #StLeonards #afhh

9)2 things from the chair of HPWRT for a happier #Hastings & St Leonards @thepeoplespier #afhh

10) Ray Chapman, HPWRT, after two day conflict and dispute training in #Hastings #StLeonards #afhh

11) #HastingsPier Fire, HPWRT chair to those there when fire started

12) Ethical Outings in Hastings -Part 1; Southwater Road

13) Hastings Pier Fire 1st Anniversary (1 of 4):

14) Hastings Pier Fire 1st Anniversary (2 of 4):

15) Hastings Pier Fire 1st Anniversary (3 of 4):

16) First Meeting with Zelly Restorick #afhh

The "Love Statues", rather than the pier, will now be the primary focus of ethical outings in Hastings & St Leonards

The "Love Statues", rather than the pier, will now be the primary focus of ethical outings in Hastings & St Leonards


Kind regards/ Lots of love (whichever you prefer)
0780 70 66 202 - I usually prefer calls & will call back

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Mind-blown & impressed by what Google have been doing with all the data in our gmail accounts; underwhelmed with how they obtained (Informed?) Consent. This is soon to be an issue for http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.com

Mind-blown & impressed by what Google have been doing with all the data in our gmail accounts; underwhelmed with how they obtained (Informed?) Consent. This is soon to be an issue for http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.com
#google #privacy @BBC @Radio4 Listen 2 News at 1 after going to #iPlayer for Google Privacy interview on 1st March leading up to 8.22am #nvc

See http://southwatercentre.blogspot.com/2012/02/st-leonards-community-planning-event-on.html?m=1

[Default email template:]


http://additionalinfo. blogspot.com/2012/02/themes-of-my-work.html
How does this strike you?
Or if you want to go deeper:
1) What's new?
2) What's left unresolved from the past?
and/or 3) What's most important now?

Do let me know please if this email has been clear/helpful or not & what you would really like. Is that OK with you?

Tel 0780 70 66 202 for more connection than an e-mail; I'll probably have the spare minutes to call back.

Community Engagement and Community Development in Hastings and St Leonards:
http://additionalinfo.blogspot.com/2012/01/ community-engagement-and-community.html
& http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.com/p/links.html

Thank you for your time reading the whole email and following up what you were moved to do.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Which Ethical Outings (in Hastings) are invasions of privacy?

Which Ethical Outings are invasions of privacy?

WARNING: LONG SENTENCE AHEAD! As I'm exploring the ethics of outing people in general, and the Hastings Pier "arsonists" in particular, this invasion of privacy case in Germany of two Dutch Journalists who used a hidden camera to film an interview with ex-Waffen SS's Heinirich Boere which led to his conviction within the last couple of years, aged 90, to go to prison (hospital) I have found fascinating: http://video.nytimes.com/video/2012/02/06/world/europe/100000001330783/an-interview-with-jelle-visser.html

[Default email template:]

Do let me know please if this email has been clear/helpful or not & what you would really like. Is that OK with you?


With love from

On interacting with others:
1) "Many people like Paul exist; who do things we don't like"

2) Your Needs are Equal to Mine: http://yourneedsequaltomine.wordpress.com/

3) Gateway to harmonising with others (eg through an ApologyPlus!) http://communicatingneeds.org.uk

On Cancer: http://bit.ly/yOm4Qk

On the phone: 0780 70 66 202

Community Engagement and Community Development in Hastings and St Leonards:
& http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.com/p/links.html

Paul is AKA "The Imperfect Idealist" & AKA Lend-It-All Man:
Anything I own you can borrow, & much you can keep as I'm de-cluttering, aledgedly!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Ethical Outings in Hastings -Southwater Road Resident

HPWRT CHAIR, Ray Chapman, appeals to those who were on the pier on 5th October 2010 to communicate via eg YouTube or more privately via http://peoplesjustice.org.uk

Here's a meeting with the director of Action for Happiness, Mark Williamson, showcasing & discussing how Hastings & St Leonards have set a lead in a wide-range of Action for Happiness related projects; including developing community understanding and healing in the aftermath of the pier fire:

A Good Week in June 2011
Are those who use the station in the early morning friends now that I see them each morning when leafleting? It's beginning to feel that way. Being friendly gets friedliness back. It's not rocket science, this happiness.
And here's the chair of the Hastings Pier & White Rock Trust:

Ethical Outings & Restorative Justice
"Ethical Outings" is firstly a drama. It's first performance in Hastings & St Leonards in 2012 will promote the "St Leonards Sharing" Timebank, & you will be able to attend on the basis of owing an equal number of hours to the timebank i.e. two and a half. Secondly, you can trade hours of doing what you like to do (& others like to have) in order to attend a guided tour of St Leonards and Hastings -with added ethics.

Why not now try?: - "St Leonard's Sharing"

Cameron says shop an illegal

Would you?

"No-one likes a rat"

"No-one likes a rat" & yet I've heard that "intelligence-led policing" is key to the future of this end of the criminal justice system. Surely the community justice system will also be "intelligence-led"? A community justice system that depends entirely on unsolicited confession will surely be very limited. Hence my interest in Restorative Justice has moved on over the last 20 years and now incorporates "Ethical Outings".

etc etc

The Play is the Thing

"The Play is the thing wherin I'll catch the conscience of the King" (HAMLET)

And so, having announced the first venue for the play, offers are welcome for venues for further performances of "The Walking Buddha of South East England (AKA Ethical Outings Around Hastings Pier).


"If the King is Righteous His Subjects Will be Righteous"

1. Once the Lord addressing the Almsmen said:
2. "Bretheren during such time as kings are unrighteous their ministers and officers also become unrighteous. The ministers and officers, bretheren, being unrighteous, Brahmins and householders also become unrighteous. The Brahmins and householders, bretheren, being unrighteous, the town-folk and villagers become unrighteous.
3. "But whenever, bretheren, kings are righteous, then kings' ministers and officers also become righteous. Whenever Brahmins and householders become righteous, the town-folk and villagers also become righteous.
4. "When cattle are crossing, if the old bull swerves, they all go swerving, following his lead. So among men, if he who is reckoned chief walks crookedly, the others crooked go.
5. "Similarly, the whole realm suffers when the king goes wrong. When cattle are crossing, if the bull goes straight they all go straight because his course is straight. So among men, if he who's reckoned chief walks righteously, the others live aright. The whole realm lead happy lives when kings are good."

Learning to do community justice, process our grievances and harmonise.

Sooner or later we "MUST" learn to do community justice, process our grievances, share our resources and harmonise. I write MUST, but there is an alternative; which is to succumb to the much more painful alternatives in the fight for resources in a world with a large social justice deficit, financial deficit and sustainability deficit. Learning to do community justice, process our grievances and harmonise might well start with the work around Hastings Pier and it was a pleasure for Mediation Support Ltd to receive the HPWRT commissioning of a "harmonisation policy" for how the trustees work together. This policy will be published soon for use within your organisations and your wider contact with others too.

With love from

Tel 0780 70 66 202 for more connection than an e-mail; I'll probably have the spare minutes to call back.


Hopefully someone will find something on a blog of mine that leads them to want to have a conversation and from there we can set the ball rolling no doubt.
& http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.com/p/links.html

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Evening Standard on Snitching

- From 26th January 2011; interesting food for reflection on how we (as a society) might consider respecting whistle-blowers more carefully.

"I thought Ethical Outings was a TOUR"

Comments on Facebook have come in: along the lines "I thought Ethical Outings was a TOUR & now you're saying it's a play" (Confused of St Leonards).


Yes, there is an ambiguity in the new MEDIATION SUPPORT LTD trading name "Ethical Outings". There are two products so far: 1) Ethical Outings - the tours of StLeonards / Hastings (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks8wwbjfsW4&feature=youtube_gdata_player) & 2) "Ethical Outings in Hastings" - the (revealing) play being put on for the 2nd anniversary of the pier fire. They feed each other & for the wider UK audience, the same play is planned as a TV drama with the name "The Walking Buddha of South East England". Clearer? Clear enough?

Monday, 9 January 2012

The Hastings Amnesty for 5 Pier 'Arsonists' fessing up"

The Hastings Observer Front Page Headline I'm working towards is "Next week will include a 60 Second Amnesty for 5 Pier 'Arsonists' fessing up". (Talk to me or my colleagues for more details, as I will be cautious in putting details on Facebook.) More background info than most people can cope with is at http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.com & http://additionalinfo.blogspot.com

With love from

Tel 0780 70 66 202 for more connection than an e-mail; I'll probably have the spare minutes to call back.


Hopefully someone will find something on a blog of mine that leads them to want to have a conversation and from there we can set the ball rolling no doubt.
& http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.com/p/links.html

Couldn't find my copy of 'Story' before setting out the scen

Robert McKee is it who wrote the definitive book (so far) on screenplay writing? Unfortunately, I couldn't find my copy of 'Story' before setting out the scene plan for: The Walking Buddha / Ethical Outings in Hastings


1) Yvonne and Cosette return "home" to a charred house dripping with water. Cosette calls out for Sammy & Suzie and a fireman goes in to bring out the fish tank.
2) Paul opens pier fire anniversary meeting, attended by Howard et al
3) Dr Ambedkar follows Howard out of the meeting and Howard receives a call from Yvonne about her house being burned down.
4) An Indian Summer in mid-October 2011 sees Paul & Dr Ambedkar (who died in 1956) out in a boat by the pier
5) Yvonne and Howard have a row.
6) Dr Ambedkar (Bim) becomes Cosette's "secret friend" at her new school - no one else can see him.
7) Yvonne seeks mediation advice from Paul, who suggests a radical text message to the suspects.
8) Joey gets an ultimatum text and fesses up to being involved.
9) Yvonne and Paul process the reply with the help of Dr Ambedkar.
10) Dr Ambedkar follows Paul home and hears how much it means to Paul's wife, Puja to return to India.
11) Paul buries himself in the setting up the Hastings Community Justice Panel and engages with Howard, who shows signs of jealousy in relation to Yvonne and Paul
11) Paul comes up with a "crazy integration solution" for Puja and proposes bringing India & the caste struggle to Hastings.
12) Yvonne goes through the next stages of communication with Joey & Shane
13) The website opens showing the 3 ideas for the HPWRT competition for a design for the new pier
14) Joey, Will, Josh & Will argue about who grassed-up who?
15) The Hastings Community Justice Panel convenes
16) Puja prepares to leave for India

& http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.com/p/links.html

Brief Progress report on the NESTA SAFESPACE PROJECT

The Walking Buddha - Scene 8

Joey is walking casually with a mate when he gets a text message.

Joey: [reading & being struck with shock and awe equal to being singled out by a cruise missile ] "F**k me"
Josh: [joshing] No thanks
Joey: [hurt & wanting understanding & support] Seriously man, here this. [Reads]
"I know you put the lighted paper through my letter box. You have 60 seconds to fess up to me by text or I go to the police"
Josh: Shit man! Phone Shane!
Joey: No time [Starts texting]. "Honest I didn't. I just lit the paper". Send
Josh: Shit man, did you just send that?
Joey: [wincing] Yes.
Josh: Who to?
Joey: I don't know. (pause) Her, I guess. (pause). If it really was her. (pause) That woman in the paper with no house insurance.
Josh: Silly moo!
Joey: Shit man.

(For background to this film/play see http://additionalinfo.blogspot.com/2012/01/walking-buddha.htm)

With love from

Tel 0780 70 66 202 for more connection than an e-mail; I'll probably have the spare minutes to call back.

Thesedays I'm not so interested (as I used to be in 2011) in taking any co-ordinating role. Hopefully someone will find something on a blog of mine that leads them to want to have a conversation and from there we can set the ball rolling no doubt.
& http://ethicaloutings.blogspot.com/p/links.html